Albania Case Study
I wanted to start my own business to be proud, to be free and to support my family.
Ondy : Carpenter
Albania is one of the poorest countries in Europe. From within the Newfrontiers family Martyn Dunsford and other UK churches have planted or are planting nine churches, including two in the capital Tirana.

Life in countries like this is often tough and uncertain; this heightens the risk of business failure. For example, we supported the youth leader in one of the churches to buy a car to bring vegetables to market to supplement his small income. However, he was recently involved in an accident (fortunately he was unharmed) and the car may not be repairable.
In these, and many similar situations we try to support the individuals involved to make a fresh start. This often involves writing off some or all of the outstanding payments, but we believe that our priority is the person rather than the project.

Andy Amey, a Seedfund team member, visits Albania to catch up with the churches and the current Seedfund projects. He commented “We sometimes find in these ex-communist countries that the process of ‘buy – add value – sell – live off the profit’ is not widely understood, but those we work with have a growing understanding of enterprise and are prepared to work hard to see the benefits. They are full of ideas but it is not so easy (to develop them) when there is so little money in the local economy“
We've been able to hire people in our church and give them a living.
Landy & Esmeralda : Clothing & Textiles
I've paid off my debt and turning over £7,000 a year
Dritan : Photographer